- Oggetto:
- Oggetto:
Structural analysis for biological studies B
- Oggetto:
Structural analysis for biological studies B
- Oggetto:
Anno accademico 2023/2024
- Codice dell'attività didattica
- BIO0250B
- Docente
- Francesca Reineri (Titolare del corso)
- Insegnamento integrato
- Corso di studi
- Laurea Triennale in Biotecnologie
- Anno
- 3° anno
- Periodo didattico
- Secondo semestre
- Tipologia
- A scelta dello studente
- Crediti/Valenza
- 2
- SSD dell'attività didattica
- CHIM/03 - chimica generale e inorganica
- Modalità di erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua di insegnamento
- Inglese
- Modalità di frequenza
- Obbligatoria
- Tipologia d'esame
- Scritto ed orale
- Prerequisiti
- Basic knowledge of Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry
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Sommario insegnamento
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Obiettivi formativi
This part of the course (2CFU) is focused on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy.
NMR spectroscopy is probably the most powerful tool available for characterizing the structures of organic and biochemical compounds. The fields of chemistry, biochemistry, drug discovery, physic, biology, materials science and engineering are all benefiting from the numerous advances being made in this field.
The course aims providing students with the basic knowledges about NMR and the capability to undersand how determine the structure of biomolecules (metabolites, small synthesis molecules, peptides, oligonucleotides, oligosaccharides) from the interpretation of the NMR spectra that are a fingerprint of the molecules.
Moreover, an overview of the NMR applications in different fields will be provided, such as organic chemistry, structural biology, medicine, foods, matabolomic, diagnostic imaging.
- Oggetto:
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
After successful completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:
- understand the basis of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technique.
- understand different modern NMR and MRI experiments
- demonstrate the use of NMR methods in practical situations
- apply magnetic resonance methods to biomolecules and biological systems.- Oggetto:
Modalità di insegnamento
Frontal lessons, excercies and practical sessions at the NMR instrument, during which students will collect and analyse spectra of small molecules.
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Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
The examination will consist in:
-a written test (intrerpretation of NMR spectra of small and easy molecules and some questions about theory and applications)
-an eventual additional concise oral examination.
Eventually, for needs related to the current health emergency, ONLY an oral examination will be proposed to students
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Attività di supporto
The teacher is avaiable for any doubts or questions by mail, through webex meeting or through face to face meetings, if possible.
- Oggetto:
This module aims to provide students with an overview of the applications of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques to the study of biomolecules (both small compounds and macromolecules).
First of all, the fundamental concepts of multinuclear NMR spectroscopy (nuclear spin, Larmor precession frequency, chemical shift, scalar coupling, nuclear relaxation, nuclear Overhauser effect) will be described and how the spectral parameters will be used for the structural characterization of molecules.
Subsequently, multidimensional NMR techniques will be introduced and it will be shown how these techniques can provide a set of information to solve the 3D structure of peptides and other macromolecules.
Finally, the different applications of NMR spectroscopy will be described:
-metabolomic analysis of biofluids and pathological tissues
-protein ligand interactions (for instance for the identification of pharmacologically active molecules)
-clinical imaging (MRI).
A part of the frontal lessons will be devoted i) to do exercice on the interpretation of NMR spectra of small molecules and ii) to laboratory experiences, conducted by the students, which consist in the acquisition of NMR spectra of small molecules and their interpretation.
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
- Oggetto:
Available at the web site
- files with the lessons
- scientific papers dealing with possible applications
- link for theory and exercises handouts
-H. Friebolin "Basic one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy", VCH, 1993
-K. Wüthrich "NMR of proteins and nucleic acids" J. Wiley, 1986
-T.D.W. Claridge "High-resolution NMR techniques in Organic Chemistry", Pergamon 1999 (Elsevier Science)-websites and exercises proposed by the teacher during the lessons
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Orario lezioni
Giorni Ore Aula Lunedì 14:00 - 16:00 Mercoledì 16:00 - 18:00 Giovedì 14:00 - 16:00 Lezioni: dal 04/03/2019 al 03/06/2019
Nota: AULA: Adenina
Lunedì - dalle ore 14 alle ore 16
Mercoledì - dalle ore 16 alle ore 18
Giovedì - dalle ore 14 alle ore 16- Oggetto: